
Table of Contents

Scrum is a framework not only to develop and maintenance products but also complex services. slides

1. About Scrum

1.0.1. Scrum pillars

  • Transparency
  • Inspection
  • Adaptation

1.0.2. Scrum values

  • Commitment to achievement and support
  • Focus on the work of the sprint
  • Opennes about the work and the challenges
  • Respect within the team
  • Courage to do the right thing and work on tough problems

1.0.3. Scrum key elements

  • Roles
    • Developers
    • Product Owner (PO)
    • Scrum master
  • Events
    • Sprint
    • Sprint plannig
    • Daily scrum (Daily meeting)
    • Sprint review
    • Sprint retrospective
    • Event time boxes: are the maximum amounts of time that a Scrum team takes to execute Scrum events.
  • Artifacts
    • Product Backlog
    • Sprint Backlog
    • Product Baclog Items
    • User Stories
    • Increment
    • Definition of Done

2. Software Development Lifecycle

  • The Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a process used for developing software.
  • Its phases comprise the software development process.
  • For a software system, the SDLC follows a defined model, implemented using a methodology.
    Planning -> Analisys -> Design -> Development -> Testing -> Deployment -> Operations and maintenance

3. DevOps

  • DevOps says that devs and operations should work in greater harmony, with more communication, pursuing a common goal, more than a development methodology is a “new life cycle”, the idea of this life cycle is to emphasize continuous deployment unlike traditional methodologies.
  • One thing is the lifecycle, another is the development process and another is the methodologies.

4. Project Management

  • Project Management involves leading the work of a team to achieve all the goals of a project within de given constraints.
  • The main constraints usually are time, budget and scope.
  • A project is a temporary and unique endeavor designed to produce a product, service, or result with a defined beginning and end.

5. Agile manifesto

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

6. Kanban

  • More than a methodology it is a method. a methodology includes several methods
  • It is different from scrum because it is based on tasks and not on sprints
